Captain America: Civil War


Finally saw this film over the weekend, after weeks of avoiding spoilers and the internet in general, and I can now say that my predictions of it being my favourite MCU movie were correct. IT WAS AMAZING!! The story was well put together, not relying too much on the source material, if at all. All the characters were given enough time to be developed and not feel shoe-horned in, including minor characters like Ant-Man. Speaking of Ant-Man, Giant Man was amazing, it was funny and visually awesome. Spider-Man fit perfectly, I didn’t know what to expect but wow, he fit perfectly and was just enough to leave me wanting more, this was the same with Black Panther, I’m eagerly anticipating his movie coming up. The best part of the film was the Airport Scene, it went on for a good while, and the action was some of the best in not just Superhero films, but movies in general. It’ll be hard to top a scene like that.

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