CoroCoro leak – New Pokemon


Iwanko…. I wank, o…

I don’t see this working on the GTS

Iwanko is a rock type and is such a cute lil dog! It has the abilities Keen Eye and Vital Spirit.



Nekkoara is a normal type Pokemon based on a koala. It looks cute but nothing really stands out. It has a new ability – Sure Sleeper.

Also, both Solgaleo and Lunala have new forms, which are said to be like the Sun and Moon


Pokemon Sun and Moon

The new Pokemon information and pictures are getting me excited for the release.


This is the region of Alola, and it looks like it will be sooo good!


Professor Kukui, he’s…yeah. I don’t care for him as of yet.


This is Lillie, apparently central to the plot. I can’t wait to see why.


Hau is the rival I’m assuming. Though he’s too friendly seeming. I wish for a rival like Silver or Gary.


Solgaleo is the Sun legendary and looks awesome! Though reminds me of a mega Entei or something like that. It’s a Psychic/Steel type, which I care for neither. If it weren’t for how it looks, I wouldn’t care for it.



This is why I want Moon, I knew it’d be darker and much better. It’s a Psychic/Ghost type. I LOVE GHOST POKEMON! I’m excited for it! *Breathes*



OMG! A new Rotom form..

ROTOM IN THE POKEDEX! I wonder if it’ll be available in battle, and if it’ll have a new type. My money’s on Electric/Steel




In short, WANT THIS GAME!!!!



The Legend Of Heroes: Trails Of Cold Steel – First Impressions


This is a JRPG for Playstation 3 and Vita. So far I’m enjoying this. I enjoy the school/academy feel to games and anime. It reminds me a lot of Valkyria Chronicles II on PSP, as both are set in a military academy. The characters are so far enjoyable and it’s easy to understand. The combat isn’t happening too much at the moment, though I’m only a few hours in. I can’t wait to see where it leads.

Pokemon – Generation 7 Starters


The Generation 7 starters. All three look and feel simply amazing! I believe that Litten will have the best final evolution, but it doesn’t beat Poppolio, as I’m a water starter man. I do hope they get secondary typings as they evolve, just like Rowlet already has.

I really can’t wait til November, and get my Poppolio, he’s adorable!!

Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F 2nd


Beat this game on the Vita, having both Vita and PS3 versions. It is a much better game on the Vita, as it suits the console well. It’s a good ‘pick up and play’ game which you will keep going back to. As a rhythm game, you can play as and when you see fit. The music is good and varied, and the difficulty ranges, giving accessibility to both casual and hardcore gamers. At times it felt like a chore unlocking all the locked modules and items, but overall it’s fun, and over time I will be trying to get the Platinum trophy.